Cheesecake filling for cookies and pastries

     For a Valentine's day dessert fill your cookies or pastries with this delightful "Cheesecake filling." Combined with strawberry homemade jam they are a pleasure in every bite.



4 oz. Mascarpone cheese
4 oz. Cream cheese
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoon of vanilla bean
extract 'Crush' (see note)

In the bowl of a stand mixer with the paddle attachment add the mascarpone cheese, cream cheese and granulated sugar. Beat until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes then add the vanilla and beat until well combined. Transfer to a plastic or glass container with a lid and refrigerate until needed.


Vanilla bean extract 'Crush' is special blend from Madagascar Bourbon and Tahitian vanilla, with vanilla bean seeds. The smell and the flavor of these 2 vanillas together is something out of this world.


Surullitos fritos (corn sticks with cheese)

Surullitos fritos(corn sticks with cheese)

Vanilla Flan

Coquito Ice Cream